
aka iamdengman

First Day of Spring!

Let’s just say the sun is out but it is cold AS! for Spring. I kind of feel I should just wear my snowboarding jacket still. Going to North Carolina for a month or so to do some stuff for the FAMBAM. Get some weight off my shoulders! I guess it’ll be a long needed VACATION of work. LOL… I’m turning 21! again for the 7th time in a couple of weeks. Debating on what to do, travel the South East US of A by my self or come back to Central Illinois? Few more years to reach my set out goals. We’ll see what happen alot can happen in two-three years. Big plans. Only reason why I am going to NC is to be near my family. Being alone here for a few months have be quite lonely. No one to make fun of. No one to annoy. No one to buy stuff for or complain about. My aunt and uncle tell me to keep the condo nice and cozy because they plan on coming back. Glad I got them to experience the idea of Illinois. Them being in Western NC in the middle of no where! I don’t see how they do it! I can’t do it thats for sure! Only visiting for me.. Couple months at a time or so.. hahaa.

Been eating healthy for the past few months though. I’ve lost 20lbs since Christmas! Been going to the gym on and off. I need to start going everyday like I used to in the summer. 30 more lbs to my target weight. I stopped by Fred’s house on the way home from the gym. I saw his garage open and decided to loop around the block and he was home playing with his dogs. Caught up on some. Had a couple beers. Good time!

I’ve been having the urge to go volunteer my time but the things I’ve looked up that I wanted to volunteer for the dates to work with my traveling schedule. *sigh* Maybe eventually I’ll come across something that will fit in with my schedule. Just love the feeling of giving a helping hand to someone or some group in need even though my things are not quite in place.

Until next time.

Categories: Dear Journal

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